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Scurlock Family Law

We are a small woman-owned and operated law firm with one lawyer, one paralegal, and a small support staff, solely devoted to practicing family law. We are passionate and skilled in all areas of family law, including divorce, legal separation, parental responsibilities, parenting time, child custody, decision making, child support, spousal maintenance, modifying court orders, and enforcing court orders.


Adoption is the legal process where birth parents’ rights are terminated and permanently awarded to adoptive parents. Once a child is adopted, the adoptive parents assume all rights and responsibilities for the child and a birth parent cannot reclaim parental rights. Any person over twenty-one (21) years of age can adopt a child in Colorado. A person under twenty-one (21) years of age may adopt with special permission from the court. Prospective parents can quickly become overwhelmed by the adoption process. Regardless of the type of adoption chosen, there are legal requirements, and Ms. Scurlock can advise you through the adoption process.  


Maintenance is guided by Colorado statute, and is the financial support provided by one spouse to the other. Ms. Scurlock will advise you as to whether it applies in your situation.  

Parenting Time

Parties can either agree by a stipulated agreement, or the Court can Order that one parent has a certain number of days out of the year for parenting time, and the other parent has the remainder of the days. This time is routinely divided into a 5/2/2/5, 3/2/2/3, or a week on/ week off parenting time schedule for 50/50 parenting time between the parties. Holiday schedules are routinely incorporated into parenting plans. There are also schedules in which one parent has most of the parenting time. Some factors for consideration when determining parenting time are age(s) of the child(ren), proximity of the parent’s home to school, and work schedule flexibility. The goal in determination of parenting time is consistency for the child(ren). Ms. Scurlock can advise you regarding what schedule may fit your family and circumstances.

Child Support

A parent has a legal obligation to pay child support on behalf of a minor child if certain criteria are met under a Colorado statute. Ms. Scurlock will help guide you as to which parent will be obligated to pay child support, and as to what amount.


Sole decision-making is where one parent has sole authority to make determinations regarding a child’s or children’s education, medical, dental, mental health, and all other major parenting decisions, irrespective of whether the other parent agrees. Joint decision-making is where both parents jointly decide on those same major parenting decisions together. Ms. Scurlock can advise you regarding which is best, considering the unique facts of your case.


The court or the parties will need to address the division of property, assets, and debt. Generally, property acquired by either spouse after the marriage, and prior to the entry of a decree of dissolution of marriage, is presumed marital property, irrespective of title to the property. Further, any increase in the value of separate property during the marriage is considered marital property. All marital property is subject to an equitable division between the parties. Ms. Scurlock will help guide you through an equitable division of property, assets, and debts using a marital balance spreadsheet.


If you have been the victim of physical or emotional abuse by the other party, you may seek a civil restraining order. Ms. Scurlock can represent you in seeking a temporary and permanent civil protective order.

Motion to Restrict Parenting Time

There are specific statutory factors that guide on when circumstances are such that a parent is placing his or her minor child in imminent emotional and/or physical harm. Ms. Scurlock may advise you in obtaining a motion to restrict a parent from his or her parenting time with a minor child if certain criteria and circumstances are met.

Domestic Violence Issues

If there are issues of emotional and/or physical domestic violence, please contact Ms. Scurlock to guide you through this, as it directly impacts your domestic relations case.

Scurlock Family Law LLC specializes in the following areas of family law:



Allocation of Parental Responsibilities (non-married parents with children)  

Child custody

Child support

Civil Protective Orders

Civil Unions 


Domestic violence 

Legal Separation

LGBTQ + Family Law Services

Military Divorce

Post-Decree Modifications

Property distribution 

Restrictions of Parenting Time 

Parenting Time Disputes

Substance abuse