Expert Team

Scurlock Family Law

We are a small woman-owned and operated law firm with one lawyer, one paralegal, and a small support staff, solely devoted to practicing family law. We are passionate and skilled in all areas of family law, including divorce, legal separation, parental responsibilities, parenting time, child custody, decision making, child support, spousal maintenance, modifying court orders, and enforcing court orders.

Bronwyn Scurlock

Ms. Scurlock has an extensive and lengthy litigation background, including serving as a prosecutor, city attorney, and family law attorney. With over twenty years of experience as an attorney, she decided to embark upon the journey of opening her own private family law practice. She is relatable, dedicated and passionate about protecting families and children, and understands that each case is unique. She will work tirelessly to resolve your case, either inside or outside of the courtroom.

Jessica Sweeney

Ms. Sweeney has been a paralegal for eleven years, and is a Licensed Legal Paraprofessional (LLP). She works alongside the attorney, Ms. Scurlock, to aid in the management of complex family law litigation cases, including extensive preparation for litigation. In her capacity as LLP, she advises clients in: marital/civil union dissolutions and legal separations; allocations of parental responsibility; establishing, enforcing and modifying child support; names changes; protective orders; adult gender designation changes; and remedial contempt matters, and prepares and files documents in court, assists clients in mediation, and with some limitations, appears at hearings.

Alexis Latchaw

Ms. Latchaw is the Administrative Legal Assistant at Scurlock Family Law LLC. Her extensive background in family law and dedication to administrative excellence make her an invaluable member of this small woman-owned and operated firm. She handles client intake, office management, billing, record keeping, and calendar management.

Why we are different from other family law firms

We will listen and come to understand your unique situation, come up with an effective, efficient, and workable legal strategy, with the goal of moving your case forward, and advocating for you (and if applicable, your children) every step of the way.