Temporary Orders can be ordered after a Temporary Orders Hearing (TOH), or after a stipulated agreement between the parties. The idea behind temporary orders is to govern the parties while the case is pending. The issues are routinely decision-making, parenting time, child support, maintenance, payment of debts, access to personal items, and exclusive use of the marital residence. Ms. Scurlock will ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for the TOH.
If the parties are unable to reach agreements on all, or part of the issues in their case, even after attending mediation, the Court will schedule the case for a Permanent Orders Hearing (POH). This hearing is the same as what people commonly refer to as a “trial,” and after all the evidence in the form of exhibits and witnesses is presented by both sides at the POH, the court will issue controlling Orders. Ms. Scurlock will ensure that you are thoroughly prepared for the POH.
A CFI and/or PRE are experts that are appointed in family law cases where custody is at issue to conduct interviews and evaluations of the parties and their children, and to make recommendations regarding the children’s best interests. Being prepared is key in this process, and Ms. Scurlock will ensure that you are thoroughly prepared.
A CLR is appointed to represent the best interests of the children in cases involving allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. Ms. Scurlock will guide you as to whether a CLR is needed in your case.
Appraisers may be appointed to access the monetary value of marital property. Ms. Scurlock will guide you as to whether an appraiser is needed in your case to value your home, property, or other items.
A realtor may be appointed to act as an agent for the sale and purchase of marital property, such as buildings and land. Ms. Scurlock will ensure this expert is prepared to testify in court if the need arises.
A certified divorce financial analyst may be hired to help resolve complex financial issues that may arise. Ms. Scurlock will guide you as to whether this is necessary in your case.
An evaluator may be appointed to evaluate a party’s skills, potential, interests, abilities, and limitations in the workforce. Ms. Scurlock will guide you as to whether one should be appointed in your case.
An expert may be appointed to analyze a business’s financial data, transaction terms, and other pertinent aspects to determine a company’s economic value. Ms. Scurlock will guide you as to whether this is applicable in your situation.