I resisted taking post-decree legal action to Modify our Parenting Plan too long and let issues pile up that were affecting the kids. Jessica and Bronwyn took in an amazing amout of information from me about my history and concerns with my children. The average family law attorney likely has a fraction of the courtroom experience as Bronwyn. You won't find a more expeiened and compentant paralegal than Jessica. You can hire a less competent attorney if the other party is reasonable, but, if there's a chance you'll appear before a Judge, you want Bronwyn at your table. At my hearing the opposing council wasted so much of Bronwyn's time with shallow tactics. I was worried that she would loose track of an issue or discard something that was important to me because she had such limited time after we admitted our evidence and my testimony. But Bronwyn questioned all the other witnesses and exposed all the issues and tied it all together in her excellent closing remarks that made my case very clear and strong in the end. She never got flustered, she quickly calmed me down when I did, and she focused intensley on the children the entire day in court. My ex has already began complying with some of the terms of my proposed parenting plan and the Judge's ruling has not yet been issued! For a long time I accepted that my ex is bound to violate these new orders also, but now I am hopeful that our preparation and Bronwyn's advocacy prove an effective deterrent, and serve to motivate compliance. Kid's deserve the best we have to offer; thank you Bronwyn and Jessica for not underestimating my ex and for listening to all of my story and sorting out what matters!
- Peter -